Thursday, February 14, 2013

Corporate Publicity ROCKS!

The corporate world seems to be black & white, boring old men, and secretaries who fornicate to get to the top of the ladder. Seems like a boring job for a 22 year old African-American woman right? Luckily, I see the positive of corporate life. Top level office, flexible hours, paid holidays, and the ability to have a company in the palm of your hands. The Publicist is one of the most important factors in running a major corporation. He/She has the ability to cover up and re-word any negative or positive factors that the public sees or hears. "Scandal" a newly running television show focuses upon publicity and politics, and a look into the lives of people who influence our current Government. I admire the creator and writers of "Scandal" because they give corporate and politics a shine that is clearly looked over and taken for granted!

Written By: Leslie Jones

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Aflac Get Well Card, Who Cares!

Aflac Get Well Card, Who Cares!

February 12, 2013 / 7:48 pm
Posted by Yomi Adekahunsi
Chicago State University Student

When Ms. Olsen told us as a class to visit this the Aflac duck on Facebook initially I thought to myself who cares about this duck! It was not benefiting me however the only reason why I decided to check out the duck was because it was a class assignment and part of me was curious how many people wrote this duck a get well card.

So I log in to Facebook, search the Aflac and behold they ask me if I would like to write the duck a get well card. They give me the options to decorate the card, what kind of back round and items do I want. Last I type in my letter which said, 'Get well dude.'

Honestly it was kind of cool. Whoever came up with the idea of writing a letter to the Aflac duck is quite smart. The PR for this company was very unique and well thought out. So I have gotten over my 'who cares about the Aflac duck and looking at from a PR viewpoint this was excellent.

Excited about Strategic Message Planners

Excited about Strategic Message Planners

February 12, 2013 / 3:25 pm
Posted by Yomi Adekahunsi
Chicago State University Student

I am very excited about the Strategic Message Planner section we learned today in class. For my Media Entrepreneurship Class we have to develop a business. The business I am starting is a video production company that focuses on recording weddings, birthdays, commercials and music videos. So the Strategic Message Planner section has given me a clear vision who my target audience is and how to go by getting clients. The SMP will help me to define what is the message of my video production company and how I want to convey that message to my audience. Once again guys I am excited to develop this SMP plan.  



February 12th, 2013 / 3:57 pm
Posted by Yomi Adekahunsi
Chicago State University Student

The other day I was sitting on my bed reading my Bible I began to think about how much time I have left to spend with my colleagues. We meet for class Tuesday's and Thursday's for two hours a week. I totaled the remaining class time for the semester and got about twenty eight hours of class session left and said "C'MON Man". Twenty eight hours is short amount of time.

So I thought to myself how many of my classmates do I associate with from High School? Can't seem to count the number on my hand. So I told myself to cherish the time I have with my classmates. Lighten up and have fun. Develop relationships with individuals who are focusing in different areas of media because you never know who will end up where. 

This goes to show that life is very short but long. God bless and have a great day. :)


Did I do this right will some one let me know if thay can see this
I want to thank the students who are participating in the blog assignment.  I encourage each and everyone of you to continue in this exercise and add your very own personality to your post.  I'm excited about this semester and what's to come.  I challenge you all to think outside the box and continue to be creative.  That last sentence was free!  Lol

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Writing for PR

Mashawn Chamberlain

My  plan for attending Chicago State is getting into the communication department and becoming a sports broadcaster. One thing that I am learning is that PR is important no matter what form of communication you want to get in. You want to get your product or business or yourself out into the world through positive advertisements. Also in doing this, there are a lot of rules and steps you must follow to do this and become successful. So I find that this class is going to be very helpful for me in the long run